Test for STD – When, Why, And How


People who care for their life and the life of his partner should be aware of what STD is and how to test it. STD (sexually transmitted disease) is no trivial issue. If not diagnosed at the proper time it can be fatal.

Take the right decision

Testing for STD is needed in case of unprotected sex or usage of a defective condom. One should also plan a test before or after getting physical with a new partner. In case, your partner has tested positive there are chances of infection too. Symptoms of STD and STI are also alarming.

Types of test

Once you feel the need for an STD test you should read about various test methods. Since everything is going online, STD tests can be done online too. This is called a home STD testYou can purchase the testing kit online or from a medical shop (offline). You have to follow the instructions while testing. Samples like urine, blood, oral, rectal, vaginal swab have to be collected for conducting a test. While buying you will be asked a few questions which will decide the type of kit or amount of sample required. Once you are through with the samples you have to pack them and drop them in the mailbox. Your work is done, now wait for the results. It will hardly take a 2-5 days time.

The advantage of going fully online is that it is time-saving and less expensive. You can save your cash from being debited into the medical bill. If there is no lab in your area you are left with no other choice but to choose the fully online test mode. The risk of improper collection or mishandling of samples or misinterpretation of results cannot be overruled.

The second best option is online-to-lab testing. This is alike the home test with little difference. It is a combination of online and offline. You have to select a lab at first where you will fill up an online requisition form. Accordingly, you will receive the kit for testing and then submit the sample to your selected lab. The risk of the inaccurate result is less in this method as the sample will be under medical supervision.

In both these methods, you can maintain your privacy as there is no face to face conversation with the doctor.

The traditional and reliable mode is in-office testing where you are under direct medical supervision.

List of STD/STI

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Herpes Simplex Virus -1 and -2
  • HIV
  • Syphilis

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