Acne Treatment Options for Clearer Skin


As we get older, our skin starts to change and it can be difficult to maintain a clear complexion. One of the most common problems is acne. Acne can range from mild breakouts or cysts that will go away on their own, and there are many non-surgical acne treatments in Singapore available to help you get clearer skin. If you have been struggling with acne for a long time, talk to your doctor about what other options are available so that you don’t feel like you’re just stuck in an endless cycle of trying new things without any improvement.

What Causes Acne Breakouts?

Acne is typically caused by the overproduction of oil in the skin, which can be triggered by hormones. When pores become blocked from the excess oil, dead skin cells and bacteria clog your pores and cause acne breakouts . Acne can also be more noticeable during times of hormonal changes such as puberty , pregnancy, menopause , and when taking some types of birth control.

Your doctor can help you determine if a form of female hormone therapy might reduce or eliminate your acne symptoms. For milder forms of acne that do not respond to medicine or hormonal therapy, oral isotretinoin may be an option for women with severe symptoms.

Your Acne Treatment Plan

In many cases, a topical retinoid is the first line of defense against acne. Your doctor may recommend a prescription cream or gel medication that you apply directly onto your skin to treat mild acne. For more stubborn cases of acne, over-the-counter topical treatments can help to reduce oil production and kill bacteria on your skin, but they don’t address any hormonal factors that might be causing your problems. If you’re not getting the results you want from over-the-counter products alone, ask your doctor about other non-surgical options such as laser treatment or chemical peels. Laser treatments, like Pico Laser work by removing excess oil from clogged pores and killing bacteria with heat and light. Chemical peels can help reduce fine lines and even out your skin tone.

Topical Medications for Acne

You can purchase topical retinoids, like  tretinoin over the counter at your local pharmacy. They work by unclogging pores, preventing new acne breakouts, and getting rid of dead skin cells that can contribute to clogged pores. These products may not produce results overnight however they are the most common non-surgical treatment for milder forms of acne. Your doctor can determine which ingredient is best for you based on your skin type and how severe your symptoms are.

Topical retinoids typically take six weeks or so to notice any improvement in acne symptoms, but this varies between individuals. It’s important to give these treatments time before deciding if they’re effective for you or not; some people see results right away, but others have to wait a few months. If you’re not getting the progress you want from over-the-counter medications alone, your doctor can prescribe a stronger topical retinoid cream or gel for you.

Oral Prescriptions

In cases of moderate or severe acne, oral prescription medication may be necessary to clear up skin breakouts as well as reduce future acne inflammation. Oral antibiotics are often used as an effective acne treatment. They work by decreasing oil production and killing bacteria on your skin so that your pores don’t become blocked and inflamed. Oral antibiotics should only be taken for a short period of time because long-term use can lead to antibiotic resistance. Certain oral contraceptives may also help reduce acne symptoms by treating hormonal causes of acne.

Laser Treatments

Laser acne treatments in Singapore like Pico Laser, use intense light to remove excess oil from clogged pores and kill acne-causing bacteria. Laser treatment is a non-surgical procedure that is painless and side effects are typically mild, however, laser treatments may require multiple sessions before you notice results.

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