Natural Ways for Slipped Disc Treatment: Healing without Surgery


A slipped disc, also known as a herniated or bulging disc, is one of your spinal discs that protrudes and can cause pain and numbness in the spine. A sequence of bones called vertebrae are stacked on top of one another to form your spinal column. From top to bottom, these bones consist of the cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine, followed by the sacrum and the coccyx at the base. The disc is the cushioning of these bones that protects them from injury due to daily activities. An injury to the inner portion of the disc is known as a slipped disc. It is crucial to receive proper slipped disc treatment, as it may get severe and cause pain and discomfort for the patient. 

Read this post for natural remedies to avoid conventional medical treatments like medication, injections, or surgery. In this article, we have listed natural methods for slipped disc treatment that may help alleviate the symptoms and promote faster healing without medication. 

Natural Ways For Slipped Disc Treatment

  • Rest and Proper Posture

If you or your loved ones are suffering from a slipped disc issue, one of the primary steps that they must follow is taking proper rest. Avoid activities that are over-exerting and cause pain. Maintain an appropriate posture and keep your spine neutral to reduce the pressure on the affected area, especially while standing or sitting. 

  • Exercise and Stretching

Practicing gentle exercises and stretching can help with slipped disc treatment. These exercises are essential to strengthening the muscles that support the spine and improving flexibility. You can include some gentle workouts in your schedule, such as yoga and Pilates, and perform them under the guidance of experts. These exercises primarily focus on core strength, which helps enhance spinal health. 

  • Heat and Cold Therapy

During the initial stage, when you experience sudden pain in your spine, you can use ice packs to create a numbing effect. It helps soothe the initial pain and keep it controlled. Place a barrier—such as a towel or washcloth—to prevent injury between your skin and the ice.  Heat therapy can help improve blood circulation and relieve painful muscle spasms. So, you can choose between the two to alleviate some of your pain.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Reducing inflammation in the body also contributes to speeding up the healing process. To achieve this, you must follow an anti-inflammatory diet and start including fruits, leafy vegetables, walnuts, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids in your daily diet. 

  • Herbal Supplements

Some natural herbs and supplements with anti-inflammatory properties can help speed slipped disc recovery. A few of them include turmeric, ginger, and bromelain. These natural substances have anti-inflammatory properties and can be included in a person’s diet to help with slipped disc treatment. However, it is essential to seek assistance from your healthcare provider before taking any supplements. 


Many individuals may find relief from natural approaches for slipped discs, but if it gets severe, you must consult your healthcare provider. If you still want a non-surgical treatment, various renowned wellness centers, such as ANSSI Wellness, treat their patients without medications or hospitalisation. Consult their experts and seek assistance for the safest non-surgical slipped disc treatment.


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