Use Of Soberlink Device In Child Custody Cases

In order to further improve the automation of their alcohol monitoring system, SoberLink, Inc., a pioneer in mobile alcohol monitoring, has inked a deal with a famous facial recognition software supplier. Using this new function, validating participant photographs will take a lot less time. During a breathalyzer test, a high-resolution image of the user is captured by the SoberLink device. The software does a geographical analysis of the snapshot in question by comparing it to a customizable template based on a set of previously captured snapshots of the subject. SoberLink is the only product of its kind with this level of artificial intelligence built into the software, guaranteeing greater precision than is possible with a single master photo, which can lead to inaccurate results.
Anyone in the household or the workplace who needs support in maintaining sobriety and who might benefit from having to report on their progress to others. Medical professionals, nurses, pilots, lawyers, and anybody else whose career requires constant sobriety frequently turn to this method.
Securing the Well-Being of Children
Getting child custody or visitation rights might be challenging for a parent who has an alcohol addiction or a drinking history. Child custody cases can be complicated by the fact that parents’ pasts often resurface despite their best intentions to change. However, advances in technology now allow for remote monitoring of alcohol consumption, which can hold parents accountable for their activities and improve the safety of parenting time. Read on to find out more information about these cutting-edge gadgets.
Even though remote technology has been around for a while, SoberLink has tailored their remote monitoring system to people involved in family court proceedings in order to aid those who seek to overcome their alcoholism.
People on the path to sobriety can now monitor their BAC at any time and keep track of it for accountability purposes thanks to this cutting-edge technology. The system’s efficacy in recording users’ progress toward sobriety has been demonstrated time and time again. Moreover, SoberLink employs biometrics to verify the identity of the person submitting their blood alcohol content.
The court will consider the parent’s alcoholism while making a custody decision, but will always do what is in the child’s best interests and ensures their safety. This means that a parent who has an alcohol addiction problem may have their parenting time restricted or be placed under observation.
The information collected by SoberLink is admissible in courts in all 50 states, including California. This is why SoberLink’s remote alcohol monitoring technology is so helpful; it reduces risks to children and offers parents who want to spend time with them a fighting chance against prejudice.
Consult a Lawyer about Your Family Legal Matters
Consult a family law counsel if you have concerns regarding the impact of remote alcohol monitoring technology services like SoberLink on child custody or other family law matters.