Body sculpting, popularly known as body contouring is one of the most popular techniques. This non-surgical cosmetic surgery is aimed at improving and bringing your body to a proper shape by trying out different techniques such as heat, injectables, cold or removal of fatty acids.
Different types of body sculpting is available in the market. However, yog may need to reach out to a professional to find out the best type of technique. Some of the popular types of body sculpting techniques include the following
Cool sculpting
This process is also referred to as cryolipolysis. It freezes the fatty tissue of your body. This non-invasive procedure does not require needles or anesthesia and needs very less time too. Many people don’t know but coolsculpting has been there for a while now.
Compared to body contouring, cool sculpting is a far more reliable process. Hence, it is more popular and effective. Moreover, it has higher success rates as compared to others. Cool sculpting may show faster results but it takes pretty long. So, if you have an average time set for you, it is going to take longer than that.
In this treatment, radio frequency is used in combination with heat to target and destroy unwanted fat cells. Like cool sculpting, vanquish too is a non-invasive procedure. The surgeon won’t be using any instrument to touch your face or any other body area as such.
One greatest benefit of Vanquish is that it uses less time and can complete the entire treatment within 45 minutes itself. Well, it is a relatively new treatment as it was approved by FDA back in June 2015. But, studies have definitely shown its impact in destroying the fat cells.
Are you tired of the fat cells of your body? Laser energy can be used for removal of fat cells. Well, one of the main reasons why everybody opts for Sculpsure is that it is pretty precise and offers a great control over the body. It targets only a specific area and fat cells are removed from the particular areas itself. All you need is 25 minutes for the completion of the session.
Well, it is extremely necessary to be of an ideal weight to undergo SculpSure, or it won’t show the impacts. Whereas on the other hand, Vanquish works on everybody with a particular BMI.
Clinique Anti Aging offers a list of coolsculpting treatments. Well, it completely depends on you, what you want to opt. Make sure to consult professionals before proceeding.