Easy ways to correct your sitting posture while working long hours from home


Due to lockdown restrictions, people have been working from home. They sit on a chair for long hours. If you develop back pain problems during these days then the first precaution you can take is the correct sitting posture. Improper postures contribute significantly to generating back pain.

Reasons contributing to improper sitting postures are as follows:

  • At home, you don’t have ergonomically designed chairs that are conducive for long working hours.
  • The office has a huge space to take short walks which makes you feel energetic and improves sitting posture post intermittent breaks.
  • Computer screens are adjusted to the proper height in the office so that you need not bend or change your sitting posture. 
  • People working from home tend to sit in casual positions while in the office you are bound to follow the discipline of sitting in correct posture on the chair.

Let us take a look at all possible ways of correct sitting postures to avoid back pain at home or during work.

  • When you sit on a chair, keep your feet firmly on the ground and never leave them suspended in the air. This creates stress on the dorsal side, developing back pain.
  • Your ankle should be in a straight line with knees. You should never cross your legs as they are likely to create stress on calf muscles leading to pain.
  • Place your knees at the hip level.
  • While working your forearms should be placed parallel to the floor.
  • Avoid forward and backward bend while sitting on a chair. You can place a pillow between the chair backrest and your back to take support and keep the posture erect.

Additional precautions to keep the focus on your erect sitting posture are as follows:

  • Use headphones to listen to the videos and never change your erect sitting posture to get clear audio.
  • Keep your shoulders in a relaxed position and do shoulder strengthening exercises.
  • Adjust the angle of the laptop to have a clear view of the screen so that you need not change your sitting posture to get a clear view.
  • Adjust the brightness levels of the computer to have a clear view of the screen.
  • Adjust the keypad levels to suit your height.
  • Place the mouse at the correct distance so you need mot bend to operate it.
  • Keep the objects you often need close to your reach so that you need not bend or move to take them.

Pandemic has kept us glued to computers and electronic devices. Working from home for long periods is taking a toll on our health. Try using the above methods to maintain correct sitting postures and avoid back pain. And in an emergency, you always have Moov Diclofenac Gel to provide all the relief from back pain.


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