Maintain Your Teeth White Easily With These Tips!


According to a survey, Americans spend more than $1 billion yearly on teeth-whitening products and treatments for cavities. Although these products are made of chemicals, they can lighten your teeth, but they also carry the risk of destroying them. Your beautiful smile would be ruined and discolored as a result. What may be the solution? Do not worry; a dentist in Springfield, VA, has got you covered! The best option is to whiten your teeth with natural products and methods. 

How Can You Maintain Your White Teeth

Here are six natural teeth-whitening techniques that do not require the use of dangerous chemicals.

  • First things first, make sure you brush your teeth on a regular basis. 

Let’s get this out straight away: maintaining clean teeth involves daily brushing. Remember to start brushing right away if you are not doing so on a regular basis. Try to brush your teeth frequently, especially after having your meals, since this may result in yellow teeth. If you regularly brush your teeth every day, they still look yellow.

However, avoid brushing right away after eating food with acidic factors, as this could end up with erosion. Try getting a whitening toothpaste to add a bit of additional sparkle to your smile. These toothpastes have mild abrasives in them that may help in cleaning tough stains from the surfaces of teeth.

  • Consume Foods Rich in Calcium

Your food is one possible approach to the question of how to build tooth enamel. Particularly, calcium is essential for solid, healthy teeth since it helps in the regeneration of enamel. Adding a sufficient amount of nuts, leafy greens, and dairy products to your diet can help improve tooth enamel, which will end up in brighter teeth. 

  • Apply a Paste of Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda:

Toothpaste commercials often include baking soda due to its teeth-whitening properties. Because it is slightly abrasive, it helps in removing stains from the surface of teeth. On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide acts as a naturally occurring bleaching agent. It helps in microbial destruction as well. For a very long time, people have been applying hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria on wounds. 

  • Sip Water Instead of Juice or Pop

Water is not only an excellent source of fluids, but it may also be a helpful ally on the journey to better teeth. Pop and fruit juice, which are acidic drinks, erode tooth enamel and cause teeth to turn progressively yellow over time. Water is far less acidic than juice or pop and has an approximately neutral PH level, making it a far better option for enamel. When selecting what to eat and drink on your path to healthier teeth, keep in mind that anything you put in your mouth could impact your teeth and enamel. 

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