What Is The Breast Biopsy Procedure and How Can You Detect Cancer With It

The word “biopsy” for the breast invokes a lot of fear and fright in women. They associate the word with cancer, and they generally become very anxious when asked to perform the procedure. Medical professionals in the field of cancer treatment and research states recommended to go in for the biopsy procedure do not mean you have cancer. It is recommended for several reasons, and one of them is to determine whether any suspicious lump in the breast is cancerous. You can consult a Trusted centre in Singapore for breast related issue.
Understand what is the breast biopsy procedure before getting a health check-up
Other medical tests indicate whether you have cancer or not; however, your doctor might recommend the breast biopsy procedure to you. The results of the test will help the doctor determine whether you have breast cancer or not. If you wonder what is the breast biopsy procedure, it is a simple test where your doctor removes small pieces of breast tissue from an area that looks suspicious of cancer. These skin tissues are sent to the laboratory to check whether the area has cancerous cells.
Breast biopsies can be conducted in different ways. The doctor can use a hollow needle, whereas some might use a cut or an incision in the skin. Each of these procedures has its share of pros and cons. The biopsy type that the doctor chooses for you depends upon-
- The appearance of the breast and changes you face
- The size of the suspicious area
- The location of the suspicious area in the breast
- The number of lumps in the breast
- The nature of other health or medical issues you suffer from
- Personal preferences
For the most suspicious lumps or the areas inside the breast, the needle biopsy is preferred over a surgical biopsy. You should ask your doctor on the right type of biopsy that is right for you and what you should expect both during and after the biopsy is over.
In case your doctor feels you do not need a biopsy for the breast but still feel something is not right, you should follow your intuition and request your doctor to perform the breast biopsy to be sure. You can also visit another doctor for a second opinion. However, getting a breast biopsy done is a wise choice. This will prevent further problems and other complications in the future.
There are different types of breast cancer, and if detected early, you should have nothing to worry about. The doctor will explain to you what is the breast biopsy procedure and how you should prepare for it. There is nothing to be worried about. The results might come negative, and in case the lump is detected as cancerous, your doctor will devise a treatment plan. Along with the treatment, your doctor will inform you about the possible side effects; you might face. You can control them with medication prescribed to you by your doctor.