How Oral Health Impacts On Your Overall Health?



Are you aware of the major effect of your oral hygiene on your overall health? Most people believe that as they don’t take good care of their teeth, it just affects their smile because. Dental health contributes a lot more to your overall health than you think. When your teeth are not taken into account, your body will suffer because you face serious health problems in the future. Smiles on Queen Family Dentistry in Bolton is here to tell you how oral health is conned to overall health:

How oral and overall health is connected?

The main aims of brushing and flossing teeth every day are to keep the bacteria in the mouth under control. The mouth has high bacterial rates if oral hygiene maintenance is lacking it may lead to serious health conditions. When bacteria combine with the sugary food that you consume, it forms acids in your mouth. Acids attack parts of your tooth that cause severe erosion, gum disease, and sometimes causes severe oral conditions such as periodontitis.

Bad oral health may put your at high risk of diseases such as;

Heart disease

Poor dental habits may cause heart attacks and strokes. These sever conditions happen when a plaque is formed on the teeth. Plaque may enter the bloodstream and block the arteries as cholesterol does. You may have a risk of getting heart problems such as stroke when that happens.

Bacteria that live in the mouth and ultimately invade the teeth and the gums can also cause severe gum disease, generally known as gingivitis. Bacteria causing gingivitis can also travel into the bloodstream in advanced stages, and it may lead to a heart condition known as endocarditis. The infection is lethal and affects the internal lining of the cardiac chambers and valves.


The symptoms of diabetics may be exacerbated by periodontitis, a disease that causes gum inflammation. Since the body cannot handle insulin drugs adequately with periodontitis. This medication aims to reduce blood sugar. High levels of blood sugar in the blood intensify mouth infections that cause more inflammation. That’s why diabetics are advised to practice good oral hygiene.


Unhealthy levels of mouth bacteria can also make you vulnerable to respiratory infections such as pneumonia. The reason is that the air we breathe flows through the mouth and lungs. Respiratory problems like pneumonia if affect an elderly person, it may be proved fatal. Besides, pregnant women should maintain good oral hygiene because conditions such as periodontitis cause premature birth of infants.

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