Chemical glycolic peeling: Here’s a quick review!


If you are into skin rejuvenation and exfoliation, chances are high that you have heard some great things about chemical peels. It is important to understand that chemical peels available for home use are different from in-clinic chemical peeling treatments. For the uninitiated, glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid, which mainly comes from natural products like sugarcane and fruits. It is mainly used for basic chemical exfoliation and works amazingly well for treating acne, hyperpigmentation, sun spots, fine lines and sun spots. In Quebec, there are many known clinics, such as Clinicare, which offer chemical glycolic peeling, and in this post, we are sharing the basics that are worth knowing. 

In-office peel treatment

There are two kinds of glycolic peel treatments you can consider – at-home and in-office. The strength of the peel determines how it works on your skin. In case of in-office peel treatment, the concentration is much stronger than a standard 2% or 5% glycolic acid toner that you may use on a regular basis. There is no denying that glycolic acid peels for home use do work, but the benefits are limited, because the amount of AHA is limited. That is not the case with in-office peel treatments, where an aesthetician will be working on your skin. 

How many sessions are needed?

In case of in-office peel treatment, you may have to start easy with the concentration and see how glycolic acid, or AHAs in general, work on your skin. This is more important for those who have sensitive skin. If you have active acne or any similar skin problems, you will have to wait for your skin to heal completely before opting for chemical glycolic acid peeling. Some people may have to repeat the sessions after a few days, and your aesthetician will explain more on that. 

The benefits

There is no denying that glycolic acid is great start to chemical exfoliation, and with regular sessions, you will see a considerable difference in your skin texture and tone. Fine lines and pores will reduce to a large extent, and if you want, you can ask the aesthetician for a mild glycolic acid product that you can use at home.  You have to introduce your skin to chemical exfoliants and see how it works, and glycolic acid is a good start to that. 

There are also other kinds of chemical peel treatments, which can be considered for specific needs. 

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