How to Incorporate Healthy Snacks into Your Diet


Most of us are currently working from home, which can create potentially unhealthy snacking habits as the temptations to eat are higher with each passing day. Before the Coronavirus pandemic, many health-conscious people stayed away from unhealthy snack foods that were high in salt, sugar, fat, and calories. However, with everyone panic-buying, grocery stores are seeing a shortage of supplies, and we’re stocking up on whatever is left. This has the potential to change our diets. However, it is essential to remember that even with these restrictions, eating the right foods will help us maintain healthy bodies during these difficult times.

Not All Snacking Is Bad

Most people think that snacking is bad, but that’s not always the case, especially when you are snacking on healthy foods. Small-portioned, nutritious, and well-balanced snacks can keep your energies up between mealtimes. Healthy snacking helps you control your hunger, which helps with weight management. Healthy snacking can even help you consume more healthy nutrients such as healthy carbohydrates from whole grains and low-fat proteins from non-fat dairy foods and nuts. Ensure you maintain healthy snacking habits throughout the day.

Change Your Snacking Habits

If you find yourself snacking on high-calorie and unhealthy snacks like chips, chocolates, and sodas, it’s time to make a change. Unhealthy snacks have little to no nutritional value and will contribute to weight gain. Evaluate why you crave those unhealthy snacks. If you are snacking due to hunger, fix that with a proper, well-balanced meal. However, some people tend to snack when not hungry due to anxiety, stress, boredom, or depression. It’s essential to find another way to deal with those emotions—call a friend and spend some time with them, go out for a walk or a run, or spend some time writing in a journal. The next time you get that craving for some chips, take a few minutes to evaluate whether you are hungry.

Six Healthy Foods You Can Snack On

  1. Healthy smoothies – smoothies are easy to make and also help you incorporate more fruits into your diet to meet your calcium needs. You can make a smoothie using some frozen fruits, low-fat milk, and protein powder.
  2. Yogurt and strawberries – strawberries make great snacks as they are packed with potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. You can cut the berries and eat them with some Greek yogurt.
  3. Vanilla milk – sprinkle some cinnamon to your glass of low-fat milk and add a few vanilla drops. This drink will provide you with nutrients such as calcium and proteins to keep you going.
  4. Protein Bars – substitute granola bars with more nutritious protein bars that provide over 5 grams of protein as well as fruits and nuts for extra nutrition.
  5. Low-fat cheese with a bowl of vegetable soup – add some low-fat grated cheese to a hot tomato or vegetable soup for your afternoon snack to keep you satisfied till dinner time.
  6. Hummus and carrots – eating protein-rich hummus with carrots makes for a healthy, well-balanced snack. Carrots contain beta carotene that helps improve eyesight and promotes healthy skin.

Substitute treats such as fried foods, sweets, and chips, which offer little to no nutrition value to your body, with healthy snacks. Treats only tend to satisfy a craving and don’t leave you full. Healthy snacks satisfy both your hunger and your cravings. Examples of tasty, healthy snacks include whole-grain bread with peanut butter, dried fruit, protein shakes, and smoothies, bananas, and low-fat milk. Always remember to keep hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day. For extra encouragement, add chunks of fruits and lemon to your water.

Read more tips from Herbalife –

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