5 Ways To Look After Your Mental Well-Being During A Pandemic


No one got spared from the dangers of the COVID-19 pandemic. Various sectors of society suffered tremendous setbacks affecting the lives of millions in the world.

The health crisis also takes a toll on people’s mental health. At present, individuals feel isolated, anxious, and lonely while staying in their respective houses. The virus and lockdowns overwhelm us to the point that everything is senseless.

We may follow these mental healthcare tips to practice self-care and stay sane and fit amid the pandemic.

Schedule your worry

Some may find this tip awkward and non-sense. Yet, researchers said that rather than spending your whole day worrying about life, you could contain your uncertainties in a couple of minutes.

Studies found that scheduling worries help people reduce their anxiety levels and gain focus.

Don’t isolate

The pandemic forced us to stay and spend our lives at home for a long while. Physical isolation is a problem, yet we should not forget to socialize and connect with others through various communication platforms. Telling such things to your family and friend can lessen your stress and release anxiety.

Moderate news consumption

Learn to stay away from bad news, especially nowadays. Hearing the same thing again can only stress and make you feel worried. Get relevant updates, then turn off the television or radio. Never let the news dictate how you think and act.

Sleep, sleep and sleep

Establish a regular sleep pattern. Sleeping relaxes and comforts the body and mind after a tiring day. Don’t stay late at night if you don’t have errands to do.

Using mobile phones and gadgets only exposes you to radiation that can affect your sleeping hormone, so avoid them one hour before you go to bed. Rest, rest, and rest to relieve stress and fatigue.

Plan financially

Planning may also help you ease doubts about the future. Having a financial plan can secure life if unexpected circumstances happen. You can seek help from financial advisers working in health insurance PH if you have trouble with your finances.

Health insurance comparison in the Philippines had differenthealth insurance offers you can choose to suit your need.

Refer to this infographic by iChoose.ph for more details.


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