How to Provide First Aid for Burns

Burns s far as the profundity of the sore is isolated into four degrees as indicated by Erste-Hilfe Kurs Führerschein München:
- I degree: hyperemia and swelling of the skin, accompanied by burning pain;
- II degree: the formation of bubbles filled with a clear yellowish liquid (don’t puncture the air pockets!);
- III a degree: the spread of rot to the epidermis (the upper layer of the skin becomes dark, ceases to exist);
- III b degree: rot of all layers of the skin (all skin becomes dark, to muscles – they will be outside, surgical plastic will be required);
- IV degree: necrosis of not only the skin but also deep-lying tissues (“charring”, turning into ash – tissue restoration is impossible).
Sanitäter veranstaltung suggests first aid: throw off burning clothes, drench with water, cover with snow, or cover a consuming space of clothing with outerwear. Take off (cut) clothing from the influenced spaces of the body (it tends to be hot, particularly from engineered textures, it can seethe on the body, fueling the consumption and causing agony and languishing).
Apply aseptic dressings to the consumed surfaces (utilizing a swathe, an individual dressing sack, a spotless towel, a sheet, a cloth, and so on). If you act according to sanitäter für veranstaltung, it remains to send the victim to a hospital immediately.
Electrical injury case
Signs: a disorder of the movement of the focal apprehensive, cardiovascular, respiratory frameworks, consumption of the skin, and so forth.
Sanitätsdienst für veranstaltungen suggests first aid: rapidly discharge the influenced individual from the activity of the electric flow using available means (dry stick, rope, board, etc.) For the purpose of self-defense, the person providing assistance should wrap his hands with a rubberized cloth, stand on a dry board. Perform artificial respiration, do chest compressions, and apply aseptic dressings to the burn area.