The Enticing Benefits of Guided Biofilm Therapy

One of the primary causes of cavities, gum disease, peri-implantitis, and tooth decay is plaque or dental biofilm. Guided biofilm therapy is a painless and non-invasive way of removing dental biofilm using water, airflow, and powder. The process also is also an 8-step process of removing plaque and cleaning the teeth.
What Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)
Conventional biofilm management methods involved using brushing, rubber cups, and abrasive pastes. However, this innovative treatment option backed by scientific evidence and the use of powder and airflow technology is now used to remove biofilm efficiently and thoroughly.
The 8-Step Guided Biofilm Therapy Process
Guided biofilm therapy is an 8-step process which includes the following:
Step 01 – Assess
Guided biofilm therapy protocol starts with an oral assessment. This is where your dentist will look for any signs of gingivitis, cavities, and gum disease. If you have dental restoration such as dental implants, your dentist will also look for signs of peri-implantitis. The cleaning process begins with the rinsing of the mouth using a professional mouthwash.
Step 02 – Disclose
Plaque (or biofilm) can be made fully visible using a substance known as EMS Biofilm Discloser. An EMS Biofilm Discloser is a color-tinted and purple substance that is applied to the areas where plaque or biofilm is present so it becomes easier to spot and remove. Removing the plaque thoroughly will make it possible to better see any tartar buildup.
Step 03 – Motivate
Your dental professional will help you see any areas you are missing to assist you with home care. Once there is a buildup of tartar and plaque in the mouth, it needs to be removed professionally. Using interdental brush may also be recommended as well as the use of air flossers for thorough flossing.
Step 04 – Airflow
Powder and air polisher will be used to remove plaque buildup on the teeth, tongue, and other surrounding tissues. The powder is also used to help remove discoloration and stains. This is safe to use on artificial and natural teeth, including dental implants.
Step 05 – Perioflow
A Perioflow nozzle will use powder and water stream to clean implant surfaces, gum tissue, and interdental spaces to thoroughly clean the inside of the deep pockets.
Step 06 – Piezon PS
To finish off the physical part of the guided biofilm therapy process, Piezons Scaling will be used to remove tartar. This process has 95% efficiency. This precise and pain-free method of scaling also prevents any damage to implants, crowns, and other restorations.
Step 07 – Check
At this stage, your dental professional will thoroughly check to ensure all the tartar and plaque have been removed completely. A protective fluoride gel will also be applied to the teeth.
Step 08 – Recall
The final guided biofilm therapy step involves making sure you have a happy and healthy mouth by making sure you return for routine visits. It also involves ensuring you are happy and satisfied with the treatment.
The Peerless Benefits of Guided Biofilm Therapy
Guided biofilm therapy is a contemporary approach to dentistry. It replaces abrasive pastes and outdated metal tools which can be harsh to the gum tissues and tooth restorations such as veneers, crowns, and dental implants. Some of the unmatched benefits of guided biofilm therapy include:
- It helps prevent cavities
- It helps preserve oral health
- It is safe and pain-free
- It is non abrasive
- It won’t damage tooth implants and restoration
- It has minimal treatment time
- It is more comfortable
- It is non-invasive
- It is child-friendly